Male Breast Reduction
(Gynecomastia Surgery NYC) in NYC, Connecticut

What is gynecomastia?

Are your teenage son's breasts overly enlarged or overdeveloped? If so, it may be due to an imbalance in testosterone and estrogen levels known as gynecomastia. This condition can cause enlargement of the breast tissue in either one or both breasts, but is commonly seen during puberty and often resolves itself naturally with time.

Beyond other possible causes, gynecomastia can become permanent in older men and require surgical male breast reduction. Although it isn't a major health issue, those with the condition may experience physical pain or emotional distress due to low self-esteem. Gynecomastia can be embarrassing and make someone feel less confident about their appearance.

Gynecomastia is usually characterized by the growth of glandular tissue underneath the nipple, often followed by a soreness in or near that area. Unfortunately, this condition may lead to an enlargement and distortion of the breast size.

What causes gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia can be caused by a variety of factors, including:


Early to mid-teenage boys are primarily affected by this condition, and it usually resolves itself before they reach adulthood. Approximately one fourth of all gynecomastia cases are physiologic in nature and may not even require any treatment whatsoever. The best course of action is to just wait it out; with a bit of patience, the problem will eventually solve itself!


Gynecomastia can be caused by a variety of medications, drugs and nutritional supplements. If you're experiencing symptoms that may suggest the condition, it's important to assess your current intake of any substances that are known to cause this problem in males.

The most notorious offenders are drugs like finasteride, cyproterone, and spironolactone. These medications are frequently prescribed to address issues such as hair loss or enlarged prostate and work by inhibiting the production of male hormones in the body.

Other potential pharmacologic causes of gynecomastia include the following:

  • Antibiotics (Isoniazid, Ketoconazole, Metronidazole)
  • Blood pressure medications (Amlodipine, Verapamil, Enalapril, Nifedipine)
  • GI medications (Cimetidine, Ranitidine, Omeprazole)
  • Hormones (Anabolic steroids, Estrogen, Growth Hormone)
  • Psychiatric medications (Valium, Phenothiazine, Amitriptyline)
  • Cannabis users may also experience the symptoms of gynecomastia

If your gynecomastia is due to medications or supplements, ceasing the use of these products may reverse it. But if this doesn't resolve the issue, extra treatment might be necessary.


Gynecomastia can be caused by a plethora of severe medical problems, including tumors located in the brain, testicles, breast or adrenal gland. It has also been associated with chronic illnesses affecting organs such as the liver and kidneys, as well as thyroid diseases. If any of these ailments are present in a person’s health profile, it is necessary to thoroughly evaluate them before making suggestions on how best to treat this condition.


Gynecomastia can be an inherited trait, with brothers, uncles or fathers having experienced the condition at one point in their lives. It's not uncommon for a patient to find themselves well beyond puberty and still have gynecomastia without any other health concerns. Don't fret! There are effective solutions you can use to treat idiopathic causes of gynecomastia.


If you are a man who is displaying signs of gynecomastia, it might not be the condition at all; rather, what may be happening is pseudo gynecomastia. This usually affects those males who carry extra weight or have recently shed some pounds but cannot see their chest skin retract as anticipated. So if that's your situation and you're worried about lumpy fat build-up in your breasts, this could potentially explain it!


Choosing the right male breast reduction treatment is far from a one-size-fits all decision. Liposuction and surgery are both viable options, or sometimes patients benefit most from a combination of the two. Your gynecomastia procedure should be specifically tailored to your individual needs for optimal results.

Male breast reduction is performed with either a local anesthetic or general anesthesia, depending on the patient's preference and needs. During this procedure, fat and glandular tissue are removed along with any extra skin if needed to achieve optimal results.

Upon completion of the procedure, a compression garment must be worn by the patient to reduce swelling and expedite recovery. Notably, this is an outpatient surgery that allows patients to return home shortly after conclusion of the operation.


Here at our clinic, we take extra care to ensure that all scars from gynecomastia surgery for male breast reduction are concealed. We carefully plan where the incisions will be made and do our best to place them in natural contours or pigmented areas of the areola. In some cases, incisions can even be placed underarm for an even more discreet look. Additional incisions may need to be used if there is excessive skin on the breast area - however this allows us to create a masculine chest appearance with minimal visibility of any scarring.


When cases of gynecomastia are a result of excessive breast tissue, the most effective solution is often liposuction. This technique requires making several small incisions through which to insert a lengthy and slender tube - called a cannula - that extracts excess fatty deposits.

To eliminate the excess fat, that cannula is first utilized before utilizing vacuum suction. Depending on your needs, there are a variety of liposuction methods offered to select from; prior to starting the procedure, it will be determined which method best targets and addresses your concerns efficiently.

When gynecomastia is due to excess skin or fat tissue, excision techniques are necessary for correction. If a man desires a sculpted chest with natural results, he may require an incision around the nipple or areola to reduce and reposition it. Through this technique we can help him attain his desired goal effortlessly!

It is common practice to combine liposuction and excision techniques in order to create the desired look.


Gynecomastia treatment surgery is the ideal choice for men with enlarged breasts, utilizing liposuction and excision techniques to reduce male breast tissues. In more extreme cases, excess skin must be removed and the areola and nipple repositioned. This results in a natural-looking chest that can improve the self-confidence of those affected by this condition.

Male patients suffering from gynecomastia are facing an emotionally taxing decision while they contemplate their options for surgical treatment. To make the best possible decision, it is essential to evaluate all of their symptoms and medical history in order to determine if male breast reduction surgery will be the most successful remedy for this situation.

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Before determining if a patient is suitable for male breast reduction surgery, we need to assess the causes and symptoms of gynecomastia. Surgery may be necessary in certain cases, but not all; it's important that each individual situation is evaluated before making any decisions about treatment.

In order to properly determine whether a male patient is an ideal candidate for this type of surgery, there are certain criteria that must be taken into consideration. Here are some of the most important factors:

  • Surgery is the only viable option in treating gynecomastia, as other treatment options are not effective.
  • The patient is in excellent physical condition and is not suffering from any life-threatening illness or medical issue.
  • The patient is nonsmoking and abstains from the use of recreational drugs.
  • The form and development of the breast has now fully matured.
  • The patient is worried about his physical appearance and believes that gynecomastia surgery is an achievable and urgent requirement.
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These are photos of real male patients who have undergone gynecomastia surgery for male breast reduction.


During the introductory consultation, we are able to gain insight into our patient's gynecomastia symptoms and form a personalized treatment plan for male breast reduction surgery. On physical examination, the size of their enlarged breasts will be assessed in order to make an accurate diagnosis. After all medical examinations have been conducted, including lab work and imaging of the chest area if necessary, a plan for treatment can then be created. The ultimate goal is to ascertain the pathological cause of gynecomastia in order to provide effective solutions that will alleviate symptoms and reduce discomfort. With this information at hand, potential remedies can be discussed in detail with your physician or health care provider so you may make informed decisions concerning your healthcare needs.

During this session, it is essential that the patient takes advantage of this chance to inquire about any questions or worries related to his condition, how he will look afterwards, post-surgical treatment concerns and anything else on his mind. We can also decide if surgery is the best route for him based on what we learn here.

After a treatment option is finalized, the consultation process will also cover any corrective improvements that could be made to enhance the physical appearance of your breasts. This may include removing excess skin, repositioning nipples and areolas, or reducing their size–all topics which can be discussed in detail before surgery.


If you are considering gynecomastia surgery, it is important to ensure that your physical health is optimal prior to the procedure. This may require making some lifestyle changes now in order for the recovery and surgical results to be as successful as possible.

Nothing is left to chance at WiserMD. Dr Wiser thoroughly examines your body's condition with an intensive lab checkup, and if any irregularities are discovered, they will be addressed first before any surgical procedures take place. This guarantees that all the conditions have been normalized so there is no risk involved in surgery.

To enhance your post-surgery healing, WiserMD offers a specially designed nutritional supplement that provides essential nutrients to bolster and support your immune system. Replenish your body with this supplement and watch as it optimizes the entire recovery process!

At WiserMD, we take extra steps to reduce the chances of infection from male breast reduction surgery almost entirely. Dr Wiser has all patients use a unique evidence-based anti-septic soap for one week prior to their procedure. This helps lower skin bacteria levels which are largely responsible for post surgical infections. With our careful measures, you can rest assured that your recovery will be as safe and comfortable as possible!

Of all the modifications that should be made, diet is paramount. Eating less sugar and more fruits and veggies isn't a revolutionary concept - we've known this since childhood. But as you prepare for gynecomastia surgery, these dietary guidelines become even more critical to yielding optimal health and enhanced self-esteem results post-surgery.

In addition to regular physical activity, cutting down on alcohol and getting rid of tobacco use are essential steps for a successful procedure. What's more, it is critical to avoid taking any hormone supplements or steroidal products prior to surgery.

If you want to experience a successful outcome with male breast reduction surgery, it's essential that you start making healthier lifestyle choices now. Doing so can help speed up your recovery time and ensure the best possible results from your procedure!


Due to the variability of every patient, recovery times can be inconsistent after a male breast reduction procedure. However, on average most patients experience improved conditions within four to six weeks post-op. It is important to note that the chosen course of treatment and approach for resolving this condition will influence how long it takes before full healing occurs.

It is essential to give your body the necessary time for recovery and healing post-surgery, no matter what type of gynecomastia surgery you receive. This implies taking a break from work, relaxing at home, and avoiding strenuous activities such as exercise during this period.

In the initial 48-72 hours following surgery, you may experience chest pain, soreness and general discomfort. Your doctor will likely prescribe medication to help with symptom relief; in addition, a compression garment can be worn to minimize any swelling that occurs. To further reduce postoperative distress during this time period, Dr Wiser utilizes innovative methods of blocking sensation transmission from the breasts for 12-24 hours after your operation has been completed.

After the operation is complete, any soreness, distress and inflammation should diminish while a steady, progressive, and most importantly, guarded returning to regular activities can commence. Do not anticipate getting back into your everyday regimen right away.

To ensure a speedy and successful recovery process, you must attend your post-op consultation to discuss all of the necessary dos and don'ts. It is also essential that you wear compression garments at all times as well as take any prescribed medications given by your doctor after surgery. This will help to guarantee optimal healing results in the weeks ahead!


Nailing down the cost of a male breast reduction in Connecticut can be an arduous task before any diagnosis or consultation takes place. As each individual's situation and options are unique, it is almost impossible to pinpoint costs until treatments have been finalized. Although difficult, determining one’s plan for recovery is necessary so that you can prepare yourself for your journey ahead with confidence.

Once our consultation is complete and we have a better understanding of the seriousness of your condition, as well as which treatments are required to alleviate or eliminate it, then we will be able to provide you with an accurate cost estimate.

Fortunately, numerous insurance plans may be able to cover the entirety or a portion of gynecomastia surgery costs according to their terms and limits. Dr Wiser’s team is highly trained in uncovering your coverage specifics and helping you determine the best course of action for you.


With a New York license and Israeli Board certification in Plastic Surgery, Dr. Itay Wiser is an esteemed specialist with over 50 peer-reviewed scientific publications to his name. Currently serving as Chief of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Mount Sinai Elmhurst Hospital, he previously completed two fellowship programs - one specializing in aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital and the other focusing on Lymphedema surgery at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

Dr. Wiser is highly experienced in treating Gynecomastia and has performed over 500 male breast reduction surgeries using diverse surgical techniques, both within the United States and abroad.

His research is mainly focused on patient reported outcome measurement and he has been presenting his work at plastic surgery conferences globally.

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If you're wondering about the details of male breast reduction procedures, here are some answers to a few frequently asked questions:

How long does the surgery take?

Depending on the amount of tissue to be removed, gynecomastia procedures typically span one to two hours. Nonetheless, this length may extend depending on the situation at hand.

When can I return to work?

Although it is encouraged to abstain from strenuous activity for two to three weeks, the majority of patients can return to work in just a few days if their workplace does not require too much physical labor and precautionary measures are taken.

Can gynecomastia return after surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery promises long-term results, but it is still possible for the condition to return post-surgery. To ensure a successful recovery and normal life afterwards, patients must take steps prior to their procedure by eliminating lifestyle habits that may have caused male breast enlargement in the first place. With correct preoperative measures and professional care, this can be managed easily!

Dr Wiser's surgical techniques boast an impressive return rate of less than 1%, a testament to his expertise in the field.

Can you build muscle after gynecomastia surgery?

Absolutely, you can gain muscle after undergoing the male breast reduction procedure. But make sure to be ultra-cautious about your return to exercise for 4-6 weeks; it's necessary that you have a full and complete recovery from surgery first.

Can exercise get rid of gynecomastia?

The answer is both yes and no. If the cause of your gynecomastia lies primarily in fat tissue, then exercising can be an excellent way to reduce male breast size without opting for surgery. However, if most of it derives from glandular tissue, only surgical removal will offer a lasting solution to eradicating your gynecomastia permanently.

How can I sleep after gynecomastia surgery?

For the first two or three weeks after an injury, it is imperative to sleep with your back elevated at a 45-degree angle. During this critical period of recovery, avoid sleeping on your stomach or side.