What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is the surgical procedure performed on the nose. It aims at changing the shape and improving the performance of the nose. Like other cosmetic surgeries, Rhinoplasty is performed for cosmetic reasons and health issues. The desirable result is accomplished by the manipulation of the bone, cartilage and tissue present in the nose. There are four different types of rhinoplasty and they include;

Open or extensive rhinoplasty

The open approach to rhinoplasty is simply the removal of the nose skin cover. By doing this, the underlying bones and cartilage will be revealed and the surgeon can easily make corrections with their sterile equipment.

Closed rhinoplasty

This rhinoplasty form is performed without removing the nose cover. However, an incision is made around the nostrils for the surgeon to access the cartilage and bones using long and thin surgical equipment. The closed rhinoplasty leaves no visible external scars after the procedure.

Filler rhinoplasty

Filler rhinoplasty is done through the use of injection. In this procedure, a dermal substance such as Juvederm, hyaluronic acid and Restylane are injected into the nose to make certain corrections. This method is usually performed to make small changes like nose enhancements and the reduction of nose humps.

Secondary rhinoplasty

From the word "secondary" it can be deduced that this treatment is the revision type of rhinoplasty. It can either be open or closed, but its sole aim is to resolve complications caused by the first nose job or to make modifications that were not considered in the primary rhinoplasty.


What can be done in a nose job?

As mentioned in the introductory part, people undergo rhinoplasty for both functional and aesthetic reasons. The functional aspect deals with the alteration of abnormalities instigated by birth, genetics or accidents. It regularly centralizes on enhancing the breathing ability of the nose. Rhinoplasty for functional purpose is utilized in the correction of a deviated septum, a condition in which the cartilage separating the nostrils is digressed, hence obstructing the inflow of air. Meanwhile, reconstructive rhinoplasty used in remolding broken nose falls under the functional purpose.
Under the aesthetic category, some operations are performed to make the nose more beautiful and good looking. The rejuvenation process may include a combination of two or more nose jobs to reach desirable expectations. The following are the nose jobs applicable for aesthetic purposes;

  • Nose lift

A nose enhancement procedure that is done either surgically or non-surgically to improve the size and shape of the nose. The nose job is mostly accomplished these days by the injection of fillers into some designated parts.

  • Nostrils reduction

Face beauty is achieved when all the parts such as the eyes, nose, and mouth align together. However, in some people, the opposite is the case because the nose fails to create a facial balance with the other organs. Therefore, nostrils reduction is performed by removing tissues at the base of the nose. This procedure is also referred to as nose narrowing.

  • Nose straightening

Nose straightening is known as septoplasty and involves the reshaping of the wall in the nasal passages. This procedure is the correctional treatment for crooked nose and deviated septum.

  • Dorsal humps reduction

Dorsal humps are bump-like structures erupting on the upper part of the nose. The surgery is done by either removing extra cartilage, flattening the hump or placing spreader grafts in the nose.

Where are incisions placed in rhinoplasty?

Whether it's open or closed rhinoplasty, the patient doesn't have to be troubled by scars as most of the incisions are made in the interior part of the nose. As for open rhinoplasty, an incision is done on the columellar to expose the underlying parts of the nose. Moreover, the suturing of the skin cover is done with dissolvable stitches so that the scars won't be noticeable after recovery. All the operations performed in closed rhinoplasty occurs in the internal section of the nose.

Can a nose job be done under local anesthesia?

Yes, rhinoplasty can be performed under the influence of local anesthesia. The local anesthesia will be injected around the nose so that the patient will not feel any pain due to incision and injection while the patient is awake.
General anesthesia will render the body immobile, and a ventilator will be passed into the mouth for breathing which will prevent the inhalation of blood that sometimes occurs when local anesthesia is administered. For these reasons, carrying out the procedure when the patient is awake is not very good. General anesthesia is the only available option for children.

How long is the procedure, and what is downtime after the surgery?

There hasn't been an exact surgical duration for rhinoplasty because there are different types, and the procedure may involve the combination of several nose jobs. However, rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure meaning that it doesn't last overnight and can be performed in the surgeon's office or the operating room. So, the surgery should last within one, two, or three hours at most.
As for the patient recovery time, it takes about 6 weeks. However, the patient should avoid strenuous work and exercise within the first three weeks after the surgery. By six weeks, the bones become stable and the person is relieved of the swelling and discomfort felt around the nose.

What are the common complications in rhinoplasty?

It's normal to experience some complications after the surgery, but the surgeon must talk to the patient through the risks of the procedure and also try everything possible to minimize the complications. However, the person should contact the doctor if the pain persists for a longer period. The following are the complications in rhinoplasty.

  • Bleeding and nose swelling
  • Infections
  • Undesirable result and need for a secondary surgery
  • Discomfort due to numbness.